Tuesday 12 November 2013

Pictures from Planning Workshop for SPINN

Group 3 on Training at work

Group 1 working hard on identifying target audiences and analysing their behaviours in respect to peace and security

A glimpse of all three groups in session, at centre is the monitoring group

Presentation of the Monitoring group's work by Idris from Unguwar Shanu Devt, Association

Presentation by the Training Group by Bello Tanko from Makera Devt. Association

Presentation by Amina Kazuare of VTF on Logo, slogan and target audiences of the SPINN campaign

Monday 4 November 2013

C4PS out with SPINN Project!

The C4PS partners have held a two day planing workshop between 26th to 27th of October. The outcome of the workshop is the framework for a sustainable peace in northern Nigeria (SPINN) project. some of the objectives of the project include: to increase the knowledge of at least 20,000 community members on prevention of violence, improve adoption and practice of key actions that will contribute to reduction of violence in at least 500 communities across the nineteen northern states and to measure the impact of peace and security activities by major stakeholders in the region.Details will be provided soon.

The slogan of the Campaign is "Peace and security in our hands" and it will be launched soon.