Tuesday 18 March 2014

Press Statement on Aftermath of Insurgency Attacks in the North East, Katsina and Kaduna

ADDRESS: GIWAC’S OFFICE, SUITES 2&3, WOMEN MULTI PURPOSE CENTER, NO 2 BANK ROAD, KADUNA. Email: c4psinnigeria@gmail.com, Phone: 08023619217, 08034737077, 08033119990.
                                                                                                                                REF: C4PS/CRP/I/20.  DATE: 14/03/2014


It is with a very heavy heart that we recall the recent events that have occurred in Northern Nigeria, particularly in Yobe, Borno, Adamawa states and now in Katsina state.  Indeed the threat of insurgency in this part of the country has deteriorated to a situation where women and children are now the targets. The recent attacks on Bun Yadi in Yobe, Maniok , Bama and Mafa in Borno and now Kurar mota and marabar maigoro among others in Katsina state have proved this assertion. At least 96 people mostly women and children have lost their lives in the latest attacks while 59 school children were cold bloodedly murdered by insurgents in Yobe state. Still more than 10,000 women and children have become homeless, clothe less, traumatized and without food. This is indeed very pathetic.

However what is even more depressing is the silence majority of the people have kept over these atrocities, the silence of our leaders, of the various so called unions and human rights organizations and even the activists.  While thousands of women and children roam the forest of the north east and other places homeless, without food or clothes, having lost loved ones, we in the other parts of the country, particularly in the north sit in our homes and take our meals comfortably. We strongly condemn this highly un- brotherly act and call for its immediate stop.

We must raise our voices against this injustice, this genocide, this barbaric act and fight it to the end! More importantly we must lend our support and give to our brothers and sisters in the north east and Katsina as well as other places.  We must lend a leaning and helping hand to the thousands that remain homeless, hungry and without clothes. We need to more than ever before be our brothers and sisters’ keepers and of the innocent children that have become orphans. Let us give them our widow’s mite and or our all and all.

It is against this background that we, under the auspices of Global Initiative for Women and Children (GIWAC) and the Civil society coalition for peace and security (C4PS) intends to raise as much relief support as possible  and send to these homeless women and children of Borno, Yobe, Adamawa and Katsina, as well as those taking refuge in Gombe. In this respect we call on all and sundry to “look into your hearts and dip your hands onto whatever you can afford to give in order to touch the lives of these unfortunate victims”. This can be done individually, collectively or through our own modest efforts. We  can be reached through Hajiya Hafsat Muhammad Baba at Global Initiative for women and children, Suites 2 and 3, Women Muliti Purpose Center, Bank Road Kaduna or through any of the following phone numbers:, 08033119990, 08034737077, 08023619217.

Kindly do so between now and march 31st, 2014 as we intend to send the relief consignment on the 1st of April.  We also call on all to continue with the prayers and fasting for divine intervention on this calamity.

Similarly with the closure of schools in the affected areas which now threatens the future of at least 10,000 school children, we call on the northern states Governors and other well meaning citizens including private schools to intervene by absorbing these children in their own school systems and taking full responsibility for their education. The north, particularly the north east cannot afford to add to the about eight million of children that are already out of school.

A word, as they say, is enough for the wise!

 Hajiya Hafsat Baba                                                                              Jamil Mustapha Ango           

     GIWAC                                                                                                       C4PS                         

Conflict Class 101: Understanding Conflict

It usually takes one by surprise when experts say conflict is good and positive. But yes, conflict that is identified early, effectively dialogued and resolved amicably often leads to positive change and progress. Now conflict experts, define it as a struggle or contest between people with opposing needs, ideas, beliefs, values, or goals. All experts agree that conflict is inevitable in every society so long as there are opposing needs and competing ambitions. However it is the responses that individuals and groups make to such conflicting needs, ambitions or values that determine the course they take- and we go back to the fact of its being positive. So if actors or those involved in conflicts act positively by discussing and resolving their problems the results will be peace and progress. If on the other hand actors behave negatively, the conflict escalates and leads to nonproductive results.  Therefore, learning to identify, prevent or manage conflict is integral to every society and a must for everyone.
. The broad causes of conflict have been categorized into three forms.

These are conflicts which cannot be seen but affect the psyche of the individual and his/her productive capacity. These are Conflicts which keeps occurring everyday, where individuals encounter at least two or three either at home, work or at social outings.  Issues that concerns meeting basic needs of food, housing, security, love and others. Certainly in the search of these daily needs individual conflicts do occur. For instance in the search for food, water and shelter and even love, there is often conflict as another person may want the same thing you want. Other times one’s inability to meet one or more of these basic daily needs can fuel or facilitate the escalation of other types of conflicts, for example as the saying goes “a hungry man is an angry man”. Imagine then getting into a conflict with a hungry and angry man!

#2.          OVER RESOURCES:
This occurs when two or more people want the same resources and there is not enough to go round. Resources here can refer to money, land, political positions etc. People must certainly struggle to gain access to such things since they are scarce. Money is scarce and there are millions if not of billons in search of it, land is also scarce and so is political positions such as office of the President, Governors and local government chairmen where there are only one per country, one per state and one per local government respectively. These days in Nigeria there is a heightening of struggle over political positions with the approach of the 2015 elections.

#3.          OVER VALUES:
Values are the most difficult to understand and resolve, they are based on belief system and world view. They cannot be seen or felt, often stored in the brains and hearts of people. Yet they are held so dearly and sincerely.  Most times people could die easily for what they believe in such as their ideology, religion or culture.

It is therefore our collective responsibility to understand conflict in order to make it work for us not against us.